Our Approach
The Generation Ready approach to professional learning recognizes that all systems, districts and schools are unique – and have different learning needs. Our framework is based on a continuum of support, which is modified and customized to suit each engagement

We are Process Driven
Our differentiated professional development builds on teachers’ and leaders’ expertise, previous experiences, and learning styles, regardless of a school’s chosen curricula, assessments or observation tools.
1 – Discover
- Work with your school team to understand current practices and identify strengths and areas of opportunity.
- Support learning communities by looking at the alignment of lessons and materials to State Standards.
- Review High Quality Instructional Materials, including pacing and day-to-day lessons, and make adjustments to find the right mix of fidelity and integrity of implementation.
- Measure the depth of understanding as it relates to best practices using our Six Essential Practices for Effective Schools.
2 – Implement
- Our data driven instruction is supported by analysis and inquiry using a range of data sources to inform practice.
- We create coaching cycles, implemented with teachers and leaders including engaging in professional learning around new approaches using modeling, side-by-side coaching and collaborative reflection.
4 – Sustain
- Our consultants work together with leadership and identify next steps for the continuous cycles of improvement.
- Together, we develop a plan that focuses on year-over-year Improvement and how that is to be monitored and tracked.
- As a team, we identify the progress monitoring tools to gather data on the goals that have been achieved and help to identify new areas for growth.
3 – Review
- Collaborate with instructional, leadership, and teacher teams to meet to plan instruction. Data is used effectively to plan for instructional next steps.
- We ensure scope & sequences are in place that make sure all concepts, skills, and standards are being addressed over time.
- There are opportunities for teachers to delve deeper into content and build proficiency and mastery.
Six Essential Practices of Effective Schools
The Six Essential Practices of Effective Schools provide a model for all of our work in schools – they are an integral part of every engagement. This framework is based on sound research and extensive experience, which have highlighted the characteristics of professional learning that result in improved teaching and increased student achievement.

Coaching Cycles
To support teacher practice and student achievement, we create cycles of coaching to build knowledge and change practice. We start with relevant research, then use this research to plan for the curriculum or program in use within the school, district or system. Coaching cycles include the following elements to foster best practice, support implementation and embed long term sustainability:

Gradual Release of Responsibility
In all of our work, we use a gradual release of responsibility model, where we introduce new ideas and strategies, demonstrate how they work and guide teachers as they incorporate new strategies into their practice. We want to make sure that when we leave your classrooms and schools your teachers and leaders have the skills, content knowledge, and strategies to sustain the positive impact on student achievement. Our consultants guide you throughout the process and ultimately, watch you lead successful classrooms.