Multilingual Learners
At Generation Ready, we believe that Multilingual Learners (“MLs”) bring unique strengths to our schools and can achieve at high levels. But in order to so, this means strategically planning for scaffolding based on data, and removing that scaffolding when it is no longer needed.

The Basis for Our Support
Through a comprehensive needs assessment, we work with your team to identify an entry point for support. Our goal is to not only deliver content, but to change the mindset around why specific practices are best for your students.

Create Clear & Consistent Instructional Framework
There is a clear allocation of languages, with at least 50% of instructional time in the partner language. Classrooms are consistent in its implementation.
Thoughtful Curriculum
Curriculum is selected and/or modified for instruction in the partner language, across all components; curriculum maps and assessment calendars detail how dual language classes will cover the standards and stay on pace.

Teachers strategically decide which content and texts to cover in which language from a daily and weekly lesson plan perspective and the program is designed to include newcomer ENLs and students with Individual Education Plans, though student placement may be individualized.